I would love to see more teachers doing this. This is a must!

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Whether you are looking to remediate struggling students or looking to give students a boost in the coming year, the DataWORKS StepUP Academy is designed to supplement your current academic program. It will fit perfectly as a pull-out program, afterschool program, Saturday school, or a full summer school program.
StepUP Academy is designed to accelerate learning through effective, research-based lesson design and delivery strategies. It is especially useful for English Learners and struggling students.
The StepUP program combines well-crafted standards-based lessons with a strategically paced curriculum to create a powerful, easy-to-use, short-term learning experience.
Expected results include:
Teachers are trained in the use of engagement and checking-for-understanding strategies that they can use during the regular school year. They also receive interactive coaching sessions to help master the new skills.
All materials are provided to make it easy for the teachers and students. This includes: whiteboards, workbooks, posters, lessons, markers, erasers, and more.
Every grade level will receive a digital, conceptually driven pacing calendar to save teacher planning time and maximize instructional time to cover the most amount of content. Each lesson will have a printed student workbook.
The academy uses a customized group of lessons taken from our online lesson service, educeri.com. Teachers simply project the lesson and guide the students through the concept and skills. Works with any Internet-enable device.
Each academy is customized for your schedule and budget. It can be 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, or any other range of time. It can fit around any bell schedule and offer content for different grades in the same program.
To build fluency in math and reading skills, digital flashcards are provided along with word games, math stories, reading checklists, performance tasks, and assessments.
Participating teachers are trained in the foundational Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) lesson delivery strategies.
Following the training, teachers participate in Lesson Demonstrations with gentle, interactive coaching from a DataWORKS consultant in real classrooms with students. Teachers identify and practice the components and strategies that go into the design and delivery of an effective EDI lesson.
A training day is held shortly before the Academy begins (usually 1-5 days prior to the start) where teachers are given all of their materials and taught how to facilitate the Academy.
Students and teachers receive kits with custom-paced materials including READY TO TEACH EDI® lessons, workbooks, flashcards, posters, and other materials. Students receive a lesson workbook, whiteboard, dry-erase marker, eraser cloth, and pencil.
During the Academy, DataWORKS consultants visit classrooms and provide gentle, interactive feedback to teachers.
At the end of each coaching day, the Academy teachers, site coaches, and DataWORKS consultants debrief. They discuss challenges and successes and plan for the next instructional day. Administrators are encouraged to attend as much of the Academy training as possible in order to support long-term implementation and build “local capacity.”
I would love to see more teachers doing this. This is a must!
Even with all my training and experience, I still learned something new daily.
Do you have questions about this service? Or are you ready to schedule a conference call to discuss a StepUP Academy for your school or district?
– Â Customize a professional development experience that meets the needs of your school or district.
– Â Help your teachers improve lesson design and delivery and increase student engagement
so your students learn more the FIRST time they are taught.
– Â Design and develop curriculum resources that your teachers will LOVE to use!
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