English Learner (EL) Strategies Workshop

How To Get This Training
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Administrators or principals can talk with our DataWorks Professional Development training experts to schedule the workshop on-location at any school or admin building.
During the call, we will dive into the specific needs your school or district has for English Learners.
The training can include demo lessons. Consultants will come to your school to teach your students so your teachers can see the strategies in action.
The training can take place onsite or on a webinar for the number of days required to meet the specific needs of the school or district.
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Why Consider Dataworks English Learner Strategies Workshop?
Our goal is to ensure all Learners engage in intellectually rich, developmentally appropriate learning experiences that foster high levels of English proficiency in all subjects.
These experiences integrate language development, literacy, and content learning as well as provide access for comprehension and participation through language instruction and scaffolding.
Learners should have meaningful access to a full standards-based and relevant curriculum and the opportunity to develop proficiency in English.
This workshop provides educators with more than 50 specific strategies that enable them to achieve these goals whether ELs are designated as starting, emerging, developing, expanding, or bridging.
Add English Learner Strategies Into Every Lesson
This workshop helps educators to incorporate English Language Development (ELD) strategies into lessons for all content areas, not just the ELD or ELA classroom.

What Happens After The English Learner Strategies Workshop?
After completing this workshop, teachers are immediately able to support English Learners in their classrooms.
Teachers will know how to pronounce new words, pre-read difficult text, define more words, and provide sentence frames with new academic language. Teachers ask Higher-Order Questions and give ELs the research-recommended extra āwait-timeā through pair-shares, helping students practice critical thinking and English.
How Is This Training Aimed At English Learners?
English learners have difficulty understanding the English the lesson is being taught in. The training helps the teacher to make the English used understandable for English learners.
The training provides emphasis on vocabulary development, word morphology, and context clues. Making the English that students read and hear more understandable to them. For example, not speaking too fast, modifying sentence structure, being careful of idioms and figures of speech.

How Does This Training Work?
DataWorks Professional Development experts will explain and demonstrate the strategies. The teachers then practice the strategies under the watchful eye of the trainer. Teachers come out knowing how to modify their lessons to reduce the linguistic demands of vocabulary and sentence structure for English Learners.
DataWorks will explain the different vocabulary types and their importance to English Learners (academic, content, and support words). Our experts will help teachers practice adapting content, incorporating contextual clues, and selecting appropriate supplementary materials.
6 Things to Know About English Learner Instruction

How Does This Training Help EL Student Vocabulary?
We want ELs to understand, learn, and use more and more Content and Academic Vocabulary every day.
This training focuses on teaching English Learners two to seven new vocabulary words in every lesson, every hour, for the whole school year.
The vocabulary words to teach are selected from the words encountered in the lesson.
Teacher are taught to incorporate new vocabulary words into questions and sentence frames so students will use their new vocabulary right away.
Immediate practice in the classroom helps the students to gain confidence with their new vocabulary.
Is This Training Necessary?
If your school or district has English Learners, this training is necessary to help teachers with specific teaching strategies to help English Learners improve their language skills and learn content at the same time.